Since the establishment of TSU, many professors, on their own initiative, have been working with school students, conducting training/educational lectures. In 2007/08, for the first time in our country, in Tbilisi State University named after Ivane Javakhishvili, a systematic project of working with schools - "TSU-Children's University" was established. "TSU-Children's University" - combines many interesting, educational, educational programs, participation in which is accessible and free of charge to students of any public or private school.

The Preparatory Department of the Continuing Education Center of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University has always been distinguished by the high competence of the teachers and the results achieved by the students. Our goal is: Full-fledged preparation of entrants with the program provided by the entrance exam at all levels of education, assistance in professional orientation and academic career planning of entrants. Preparation of foreign entrants wishing to enroll in Georgian higher education institutions.

Our goal is to enable the university and the wider community to use the university's resources and experience for professional and personal development, to raise qualifications, and to acquire new professional skills. The target audience of the university continuing education programs we offer is diverse: the internal university community (academic and administrative staff, students), corporations, the general public

Tuition fees for all educational programs at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University are determined by the semester fee and generally amount to 1125 GEL. Information regarding the gradual payment of tuition fees: In order to complete the administrative registration, you need to pay the semester tuition fees by the established deadlines (except for students with a 100% tuition grant or enrolled in a state-sponsored program). Tuition fees can be paid by cash or non-cash payment at any branch of "Bank of Georgia" , "TBC Bank", "Liberty Bank" . Also through the fast registration machines of "Bank of Georgia", "TBC Bank". Administrative registration will be considered passed if you have no financial debt from the previous period and you pay at least half of the tuition fees for the current semester within the deadlines set for registration. In the event that you are unable to pay the financial debt of the previous period, the full semester fee of the current semester or half of it, it is possible to consider the issue of paying the amount in stages. For this, you need to apply to the head of the TSU administration (the application should be submitted to TSU building I, room N 114 or sent electronically to ). You can contact the specialist of the Finance Department about the problems that arise during the administrative registration process (TSU First Building, Room N 019)

The first national university in the Caucasus was opened in Georgia in 1918, called Tfilisis Universiteti, laying the foundation for a European-type institution based on Georgian educational traditions. The idea for the university first emerged in the early 19th century as the struggle for liberation from the Russian empire intensified. A new generation was, led by the great Georgian public figure Ilia Chavchavadze, who initiated a new stage of spiritual revival in the history of our country beginning in the 1860s. Real possibilities for establishing an institution of higher learning appeared when the Nobiliary Manorial Estate Bank was founded in Tbilisi. It was the only bank in the Russian empire, that contributed to promote the cultural, educational and economic interests of the nation.

FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES AT TSU By 2020, the annual tuition fee for Georgian undergraduates in degree programs at Tbilisi State University became 2250 GEL. Full waivers (100%) can be obtained when taking the Unified National Examinations, according to the future student’s score. Other amounts waived, according to scores at the entry exams are 70% (1575 GEL) and 50% (1125 GEL). These amounts are then deducted from the tuition fees. The university also has state-funded programs and additional funding opportunities. State-funded undergraduate programs These programs include: Teacher training; Mathematics; Physics; Chemistry; Biology; Economics - at the Faculty of Economics and Business; History; Philology-Georgian Language and Literature; Philosophy; Archaeology. Scholarships The program - "State Scholarships for Students", allows successful students to obtain a state scholarship of 150 GEL per month for one semester. (By the order of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Georgia, the University allocates scholarships for a certain number of students enrolled in the accredited Medical Doctor/Dentist program). State Scholarships for Students were awarded as follows: Fall semester 2018-2019 academic year (from January 1 to February 28, 2019)- 639 students; Spring semester 2018-19 - 594 students (from March 1 to July 31, 2019); Fall semester of the 2019-2020 academic year (October 1 to December 31, 2019)- 670 students. 150 GEL per month (for one semester), 5 months each - 750 GEL. "Otar Chkheidze Scholarship (Faculty of Humanities): one exceptional student, 200 GEL per month, 2400 GEL per year. Mikheil Svanidze Scholarship (Faculty of Humanities): one exceptional student; 250 GEL per month; 10 months - 2500 GEL. Scholarship for 4 students who are citizens of the Republic of Armenia - 300 GEL per month for 11 months. (Total 1400 GEL/month each. A total of 13,200 GEL (Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Georgia). Exchange Program Student Scholarship (Economic Revenues) - 11 students, a total of 7120 GEL. San Diego Student Scholarship: 3 students, $2500 equivalent in GEL for one semester. Total $7500/semester. International School of Economics Scholarship (Economic Revenues) - The number of students and the amount of scholarships change on a monthly basis. Scholarship for Hungarian students and researchers to participate in summer schools in 2019 – a one-time, one student scholarship of 800 GEL (Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Georgia). Scholarship for one Chinese student - 900 GEL, 3 months, a total of 2700 GEL (Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Georgia). "Alexander Rondeli Scholarship" (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences): one student, 200 GEL per month, 5 months, a total of 1000 GEL (Georgian Strategy and International Relations Research Foundation). “Gvanji Mania Scholarship” (Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences): one exceptional student, 150 GEL per month, 5 months, a total of 750 GEL. Scholarship for the beginning students from the Entrants Preparatory Section of the Centre for Continuing Education of the LEPL, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, living in occupied territories: One-time scholarship (from April 18 to July 19, 2019), 70 students, GEL 10,500 GEL per month (Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Georgia).

The university also offers funding to successful undergraduate and graduate students. These are distributed annually to the faculties according to the number of students, and awarded to exceptional students according to internal faculty criteria. Five doctoral students from each faculty are funded from the university budget for one semester. Candidates are selected according to their academic results and faculty candidate selection rules. PhD students also enjoy certain reductions for the tuition fee. The benefit is determined by the Faculty Board, and by nomination of the Program Leader. The total amount of university funding for students (Bachelor's/Master's Degree/Single-Level Medical) for the Spring semester of the 2018-2019 academic year was 300,000 GEL. The total amount of university tuition funding for the Fall semester of the 2019-2020 academic year was also 300,000 GEL. 600,000 GEL is provided for result-oriented scientific research activities carried out with the involvement of students. 310,250 GEL has been allocated for student exchange programs, scientific conferences, court-room simulations (Law Faculty) and other funding. 121,000 GEL is provided to finance student expeditions and internships (Faculty of Humanities - 30,000 GEL; Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences - 56,000 GEL; Faculty of Social and Political Sciences - 35,000 GEL).