Tbilisi University

The strongest university in the world in all fields

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Tbilisi State University

History of the University

The first national university in the Caucasus was opened in Georgia in 1918, called Tfilisis Universiteti, laying the foundation for a European-type institution based on Georgian educational traditions.   The idea for the university first emerged in the early 19th century as the struggle for liberation from the Russian empire intensified. A new generation was, led by the great Georgian public figure Ilia Chavchavadze, who initiated a new stage of spiritual revival in the history of our country beginning in the 1860s. Real possibilities for establishing an institution of higher learning appeared when the Nobiliary Manorial Estate Bank was founded in Tbilisi. It was the only bank in the Russian empire, that contributed to promote the cultural, educational and economic interests of the nation.

    Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University shares the ideals promoted by the Magna Charter Universitatum of  European Universities, and its values are based on critical, creative and progressive thinking; the principles of academic freedom and academic ethics; and open, dynamic and transparent relations.


    Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) is a spiritual and intellectual successor of multi-century Georgian culture, humanistic traditions and old Georgian educational, scientific and cultural centers.   Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University is a multi-branch research university, whose mission is:  To establish national and universal values; To promote the intellectual, moral, cultural and socio-economic development of the society; To create, keep and disseminate new knowledge; To develop the university traditions through research and innovations; To ensure student-centered learning and to train competitive staff;  To promote continuing education; To be a dignified member of the free world.

Scholarship Programs

You can now join our university and obtain the scholarship offers that we offer annually to outstanding students. All you have to do is submit the application to us and pay attention to your email. Or you can contact us via official email : support@tbilisiuniversity.com The schools and colleges we offer From primary school to university and postgraduate levels Primary School / Preparatory School / High School / University / Master’s level


The best teachers ever in all fields


Study in Georgian or English

Language of study
We have translators for more than 15 languages around the world

A university degree accredited all over the world

Graduation Certificate
university degree